Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday - Dec. 20

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Squat - build to 2 rep max
 5x 185#
 2x 225, 275, 315, 350# - did not attempt any higher
 - happy/not happy about this.  happy to be above 315# but not happy that its only 350#.  All about goals and heavy squats do not factor into ultra-endurance training.

4 Rounds
 - Air-Dyne - 3 minutes
 - 2-arm Swing @ 32kg x10
 - woodchopper lunge @ 35# x10(r/l)
Time: 18:54

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 105, 115, 115, 115, 115#

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