Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tuesday - Dec. 13

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2 minutes

10 minute hangboard sequence
 - 15 sec. hang - jug
 - 1 pullup - round sloper
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs - pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - round sloper + 5 knee raises - pocket
 - 4 pullups - large edge
 - 10 sec. hang - medium edge
 - 3 pullups - jug
 - hang as long as you can - round sloper: 25 seconds

 - 1.5 miles
 - 2.0% incline
 - 13:00
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 162

After Work.....

Trail Run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 1.97 miles
 - 20:26
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 170
 - about 3" of snow on the ground, used the microspikes and they perform tremendously, not one slip or slide.  I felt like I was running on solid ground the entire time, very impressed with them.

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