Friday, December 23, 2016

Thursday - Dec. 22

KB Long-cycle
 - 10 minutes
 - 12kg
 - 8 rpm
 - aveHR 100
 - maxHR 151
 - happy this felt decent.  Goal is 80 reps wit 24kg by end of 2017

Lunch break.....

Dynamic Warmup / 2 minutes jump rope

3 Rounds
 - pullup (max): 15, 12, 12
 - dip +12kg (max): 20, 15, 15
 - deadlift @ 315# x5
 - hang clean @ 185# x5
 - Bench Press @ 165# x10

Shoulder external rotation x50

3 Rounds
 - pullup (max): 12, 12, 11
 - DB Complex (squat/curl/press/french press) 6x 25, 30, 35#

3 Rounds
 - 2-arm swing @ 32kg x20
 - plank - 60 sec.

1 to 10
 - run 25 yds. down/back
 - burpee

After Work....

Trail run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.1 miles
 - 45:50
 - aveHR 157
 - maxHR 179

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