Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday - Dec. 1

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

KB Snatch set
 - 4 minutes
 - 28kg
 - 20 rpm
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 154
 - definitely felt the increase in weight

Shoulder Blaster @ 5#

3 Rounds
 - DB complex (curl/press/french press) @ 17.5# x20
 - plank - 60 sec.

Break for clients.....
Break for lunch.....

10 Rounds
 - Bench Press @ 185# x10
 - Pullup x 10
 - Push Press @ 135# x5
 - crunches w/ 45# overhead x20
Time: 47:43
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 149
 - i had to break up the last 2 sets of bench and the last set of pullups.  Definitely Pumped.

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