Sunday, December 18, 2016

Saturday - Dec. 17

DS outside Training Day 
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - Greg, Joe, Tim and myself
 - 60# pack and a 10# sledgehammer each

 - Hike 1.8 miles
 - 30 minutes of:
   - 5(r/l) sledge slams to tire
   - 5 burpees
   - 5 sit-ups
   - 25 step-ups (r/l) on picnic table
 - Hike 1.8 miles
 - 30 minutes of:
   - sandbag clean 5x 60#
   - sandbag get-up 5x 60#

Total time: 2:23:46

Great time had by all and we plan to continue an outside mountain athlete training session similar to this once a month as a group.  Also looking to incorporate other outdoor skills into the training days: wilderness first aid, navigation, etc.

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