Monday, October 10, 2016

Sunday - Oct. 9

Bike ride from Glouster, OH to Wooster, OH
 - 115.5 miles
 - 7:26:21 riding time
 - 8:17:44 total time with rest breaks, water refills
 - 15.5 aveMPH
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 177
 - 5,627' of elevation gained

I had been planning a route to ride from Wooster to my mom's house in Glouster.  This weekend the weather cooperated in Ohio, we had planned to go climbing at Seneca Rocks, but all day rain was forecast.  So we stayed in Glouster and I brought my bike to then ride home.  I always get a little nervous for long solo rides on unknown roads, but was confident with my current state of fitness.  The first 9 miles were on gravel roads, giving me more excitement about building a new bike (Salsa Warbird) this winter for these types of roads and adventures.  After this I was on St. Rte. 555 north into Zanesville where I then picked up St. Rte. 666 north into Dresden.  From here I followed St. Rte. 60 north through Warsaw and into Killbuck where I picked up the Holmes County Trail before the final 20 miles into Wooster.

Like many long rides, it had its up's and down's; physically, mentally and terrain.  I've been doing a better job of controlling my pace early on these long rides which helps at the end.  The first 35 miles went very smooth.  Then the slight 10 mph north wind started to be felt, never overwhelming, but a constant nag on the solo rider with nowhere to hide.  My butt started being tired around mile 60 as I started to utilize smaller 15-10-5 mile goals to keep the mental demons at bay.  Getting into Killbuck (mile 82) was also nice, as I was now on some familiar terrain and the flat section of the amish trail for 15 miles.  However, the sun was now casting long shadows and my arms were beginning to chill.  I wore windproof full finger gloves and a wind vest, but decided on leaving my arm warmers behind, I could have used them at the end of the day.  At mile 90, I had a good conversation with myself because I knew the last couple of hills into Wooster were noteworthy, nothing to steep, but being tired would likely challenge me.  Thankfully, being close to the finish gave me some renewed energy and I finish strong.

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