Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday - Oct. 3

Recumbent Bike
 - 45 minutes
 - 10.80 miles
 - level 8/20
 - aveHR 114
 - maxHR 124

Nice and easy today.


  1. Hey Andrew great blog per usual!

    Just wondering, what has been your strategy to get your 2000m row times down?

    Once a week? Double 2000m rows with 10 min breaks?

    Love to hear your strategy here.



  2. Repeat 500m on 1:30-2 minutes rest really seemed to help me a great bit. I worked up to 15 sets. These done once a week while also performing longer cardio-based (HR below 140 bpm) for 45-60minutes combined to lower my times. I then took 4 weeks of performing 2000m with what I felt were manageable decreases in time and ave500m splits. The first week I did the double where I was 6:50/6:46, the following week I went 6:40, week 3 was 6:35 and then I went for my goal time on week 4 and managed 6:27.9.

    Building a strong cardio foundation, before adding in the sprint work was very valuable to me and I must still remember to perform my base cardio work in order to perform at a high level for the fast sprint work. It is no one aspect, but how everything works together to achieve the goal.

  3. great response Andrew!!
    Where can i learn more about these concepts you talk about? regarding zone 3 and 4 endurance etc??? What type of heart rate monitor do you have?
    Jon from oz

  4. Total Heart Rate Training by Joe Friel and some of his other endurance books; Going Long, Triathletes Training Bible, have been great references for me. I started training with heart rate with a simple Polar hand me down. I now have a Suunto Spartan Ultra which allows me to log numerous sports/activities along with GPS ability in a single platform. I've been very happy with the upgrade. The more I continue to use the monitor and read, the better I have become at understanding gaps in my endurance performance. It's a never ending learning and analyses process. I also need to keep my focus on my 'A' goal which is the 2017 Ironman in Boulder, CO. This will be a long duration event, so threshold power is not high on my list, but still needs to be cultivated.
