Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday - Aug. 16

Dynamic Warm-up
Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Back Squat (off 145kg max)
 5x 65kg
 5x 80
 5x 94
 5x 109
 5+ @ 123kg x 8

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 115, 140, 150#

Break for clients (1.5 hours)

15 to 1
 - squats with 30# ruck in front
 - situp with 30# ruck in front
 - burpee - no ruck

6 Rounds
 - overhead squat w/ ruck x5
 - pushup w/ ruck x5
 - that sucked more than i was hoping

3 Rounds on 90sec.
 - Lunge w/ ruck x5 (r/l)
 - mountain climbers x10 (r/l)

Sandbag Get-up x30
 - 60# bag

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