Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday - July 20

Pullups 2x7
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

 - regular 2x30
 - close 2x20
 - wide 2x30
 - hindu 2x30

Dips 2x25
Arm Haulers 3x50
8-count Burpee 2x 20

(12.5# weight vest)
 - max pushups in 2 minutes: 52
 - max situps in 2 minutes: 68
 - max pullups: 14

Handstand pushup hold: 48 sec.

After Lunch in Afternoon......

Neck exercises 2x50
DB Shrug @ 50# - 2x50

Abs SuperSet x2
 - situp x60
 - 4-way crunch x50
 - leg lever x60
 - flutter kicks x150
 - 1/2 situp x100

This kicked my butt today.  I can tell its been 2 weeks since training with this kind of volume.

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