Friday, July 15, 2016

Thursday - July 14

GoRuck - Sea/Land via MolonLabe Crossfit with Mark Nolan

We started at the gym with a warm-up circuit

3 rounds with 35# packs on - down/up commands on all
 - Overhead Squat x10
 - Pushup x10
 - Leg Levers x10

We then partnered up (packs off) for 10 minutes of sandbag get-ups (60#)
 - Greg and I switched every 5 reps and finished with a total of 45 each.

Next, they carabinered 3 of sandbags together for us to carry as we marched/jogged a mile to the local rec. center.

At the rec. we took off packs and shoes before various sets of 10 reps of:
 - pushups
 - leg levers
 - flutter kicks
 - 8-count burpees
 - situps
 - tunnel crawls

Then it was shoes and packs back on for an outside buddy bear crawl.  Your partner laid on their back and grabbed hold of your shoulder straps while you bearcrawled and drug your partner for 20 yds before switch.  (these were not hard at all I felt)

Then it was another mile march/jog to the Macedonia fire department for more pushups, flutter kicks, leg levers and overhead squats with your pack.  All while two members of the fire department hosed us down.

Back to another mile on the road, this time indian run style, while we worked our way back to the gym.

Once back at the gym, we got in groups of 4 based on height.  Our object was to clean and press a tire on command for reps.  After 10 reps of this, we did 10 pushups with toes on the tire before doing another 10 reps with the tire this time with one less person who held the high pushup position.

All in all a good fun 3 hours of movement.  I did everything rather easily, but I do plan to add in pushups with weight and overhead work, as these were weak areas.

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