Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday - July 22

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 20 rpm

Hour break for a client.

15 SuperSets
 - 500m Row (drag#5) - (1:48.3, 1:48.2, 1:47.5, 1:47. 2, 1:47.2, 1:47.7, 1:47.6, 1:47.1, 1:47.4, 1:47.5, 1:47.2, 1:46.9, 1:47.0, 1:47.2, 1:46.3)
 - 20 pushups
 - 20 hanging knee raise (hang from bar)
Time: 1:07:48

Sandbag Get-up set
 - 10 minutes
 - 50# bag
 - 53 total reps

Warm and humid, lots of sweat.  Looking forward to the weekend and relaxation/recovery.

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