Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday - June 7

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 24rpm
 - 20kg
 - last minute was again more of a squat swing to save grip.  Still maintained pace and competition standards.  Super excited about being able to move up in pace today.  Lower temperatures and humidity gave me confidence to go for it.

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 3.04 miles
 - 24:30
 - 8:03 pace
 - aveHR 159
 - maxHR 175

 - 500yds warm-up (just under 10 minutes)
 - 2 x 100 yards crawl warmup
          (rest :30 between 100sets)
 - 4 x 25 yards windsprints resting :30 between lengths
          (swim each length without taking a breathe - took 2 breathes)
 - 4 x 50 yards crawl resting :15 between laps
          (one sighting stroke per length)
 - 4 x 25 yards windsprints resting :30 between lengths
          (swim each length without taking a breathe - took 2 breathes)
 - 4 x 50 yards crawl resting :15 between laps
          (one sighting stroke per length)
 - 100 freestyle warmdown

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