Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday - June 14

Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 3.04 miles
 - 24:07
 - 7:57 pace
 - aveHR 150
 - maxHR 175

Couple of clients then.....

Swim - 50m pool set-up today
 - 500m warm-up (13:07)
 - rest 2:30
 - 4 x 200m @ 20sec. rest (5:12, 5:26, 5:30, 5:26)
 - 100m freestyle warmdown
 - really liked the long-course setup, felt more like open water which will help tremendously.

Later in the afternoon....

Boulder traverse while clipping bolts with trailing rope
 - 3 minutes on
 - 6 minutes off
 - 4 sets

Campus Board
 - large rung ladder x4 - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 

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