Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday - May 3

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 22 rpm
 - only used minimal chalk on the hands, none on the kb.  This definitely challenged the grip during the last minute on each arm, but maintained pace with diligent focus.

 - 200 yard warm-up (4:09)
 - rest 2:00
 - 100(2:11)/200(4:25)/300(6:48)/400(8:03) @ 20 sec. rest
 - 4:45 rest - talking about my swim stroke with local tri coach
 - 400(9:04)/300(6:50)/200(4:28)/100(2:09) @ 20sec. rest
 - from talking with Shawn, I need to increase my arm turnover rate and do a better job of fully exhaling underwater.  I'll be hiring his instruction after the half-ironman for sure.  We also spoke about not changing up too much with only 2 months to go.  I'll be slow (but will survive) the swim this year.

Later in the evening after work........

Road Bike
 - 16.7 miles
 - 51:57
 - ave cadence 94
 - aveMPH 19.3

Transition Time: 2:58

Road Run
 - 0.9 miles
 - 7:32 (shoe came untied and stopped to re-tie)
 - 7:42 pace

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