Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday - May 24

Greg came down again and is training for a GoRuck Tough challenge specifically.  I was happy to add up some fun.

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 22rpm

 - 200 yds warm-up (3:45)
 - rest 2:45
 - 500 yds w/ fins (8:07)
 - rest 5:45
 - 10 sets - 100yds + 15 pushups, 15 crunches (28:36)
 - back floating and treading water (3:22)
 - 52:30 total time in the water

 - Wooster Memorial Park outer loop
 - 4.8 miles
 - 22# pack
 - Every 20 minutes perform 20 reps of each (pushup, situp, burpee, squat) - ended up with 5 total sets
 - 1:57:53 total time rucking

Definitely a long duration training day but loads of fun. We started at 10:15a and I was back to the gym after a shower at 3p for clients. No formal lunch, just 2 meal bars and some water.  Lots of snacking once back at the gym.

We'll be doing another special training session this Thursday, it will be a killer.

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