Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday - May 12

De-Load weights

Front Squat (off 115kg max)
 5 x 50, 60kg
 5 x 65kg
 5 x 70kg
 5 @ 75kg 

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 75, 115kg
 5 x 125kg
 5 x 140kg
 5 @ 150kg

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 95, 95, 95#

1 to 10, 10 to 1 Pyramid
 - pullup x1
 - pushup x2
 - situp x3

Neck exercises x20
DB Shrug @ 50# x20

8-count Burpee x10

Max Pushup in 2minutes: 79
Max situp in 2minutes: 75
Max pullups: 17


  1. Hey Andrew

    just got a stress fracture from basketball so im out for 6 to 10 weeks
    with a boot on.....

    as an active person what exercises could you recommend for the next 10 weeks to focus on?

    great blog as per usual



  2. I'd focus on your upper-body and abs. Only thing I can anticipate you doing with your lower-body is swimming. Obviously, check this over with your doctor first. Stress fractures take a good deal of time to heal and then will require you to slowly re-enter your impact activities. All the best in your healing process.
