Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday - April 13

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20 rpm
 - amazing (well, not really) how much easier that is to do in the morning before swimming.

 - 45 continuous laps
 - 49:45
 - 2250 yards (1.278 miles)
 - huge PR(total continuous yardage) for me and a nice mental hurdle as this is the distance needed for the half-ironman in July.

Later in the evening....

'Beat-Down' ride with the BikeWerks cycling team
 - a mid-week 'friendly' race
 - they attacked on the second climb and I was dropped.  I maintained visual contact for 20 minutes after while riding at race pace HR (160-170) before easing back and finishing the ride.
 - 24.36 miles
 - ave mph 17.9
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 170
 - ave watts 193


  1. Back when I rode a lot I would ride with the local Category riders sometimes - well I'd try anyway :). By going full bore I sometimes lasted to the first hill (I could never take a turn at the front). It was fun though because there was usually enough of us that got dropped to continue on in our own little group for great rides. The difference between the "racers" and me was amazing and very humbling - they were almost like another species.

  2. Definitely the same feelings here, humbling and amazing. Like you, there are a couple of us mere mortals who get dropped but continue on. Our goal is to last longer and longer each time out.
