Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday - April 19

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20 rpm

 - 200 yard warm-up (3:59)
 - rest 1:30
 - 10 x 100 @ 15sec. rest (1:55, 2:00, 2:02, 2:05, 2:05, 2:03, 2:03, 2:06, 2:07, 1:52)
 - rest 2:00
 - 2 x 500 @ 30sec. rest (11:25, 11:55)
 - rest 1:00
 - 200 yard cool-down (4:38)
 - 2400 yards total

Finally reached the grind of training.  PR's seem to be fewer, smaller and further between, but it was bound to happen eventually.  Time to embrace the plateau, it's just setting the foundation for my next breakthrough.

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