Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday - April 25

 - 1 to 10, 10 to 1 pyramid
 - definitely the easiest/fastest I've completed this pyramid

25 SuperSets
 - Situp x10
 - Pushup x10
 - V-up x10
 - Close Pushup x10
 - Leg Lever x10
 - Hindu Pushup x10

Neck Exercises
 - 2 x 50

After Work in the evening.....

 - 14.64 miles
 - 49:00
 - 17.93 aveMPH
 - aveHR 139
 - maxHR 182
 - Normalized watts 209.9
     Transition Time: under 5 minutes
 - 1.9 miles
 - 15:06
 - 7:38 pace

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