Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday - Mar. 22

 - 500 warm-up (11:58) - might have been an extra 50 in here.
 - 5 x 200 @ 20sec. rest (4:24, 4:32, 5:45-accidental extra 50yds., 4:34, 4:36)
 - 500 cool-down - 100free, 50breast, 100free, 50breast, 100free, 50breast, 50free (12:08)
 - I felt very relaxed and comfortable in the water today.

Later in the day.....

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 18 rpm
 - upper back and triceps were felt the most today.  Not surprising after the row yesterday and swim over lunch.  Still a great set without any difficulty.  Repeating this weight and rpm again next week before moving up to 20 rpm.

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