Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday - Mar. 1

 - 500yds warm-up - 12:36 - but this was broken up with some breast stroke and rests.
 - just could not find my breathing timing today. Looking back on past 500yd warm-ups I was only a minute slower and I definitely sat on the wall a few times and did 100yds of breaststroke to try and breath.
 - my first 100yds after the warm-up was 2:03 (5 seconds faster than some of my better times).  I think I was swimming faster and hence breathing at a quicker rate than I'm use to which through me off.  I may need to try breathing every other stroke as opposed to every stroke.
  - to salvage the day I did swim at least 1000yds total. Doing some drills to work on sighting in open water and transitioning from freestyle/breaststroke without pushing off the wall.

Later in the afternoon....

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 16kg
 - 24 rpm
 - nice and smooth.  next week I'll be moving up to the 20kg bell.  Expecting this to become serious work.

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