Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday - Feb. 1

 - regular 2x7
 - reverse 2x7
 - close 2x7
 - wide 2x7
 - neurtal 2x7

 - regular 2x15
 - close 2x10
 - wide 2x15
 - dive bomber 2x15

Dips 2x15
Arm Haulers 3x30

Neck exercises x25

Ab SuperSet x2
 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40
 - leg lever x40
 - flutter kick x50
 - 1/2 situp x40

Treadmill Jog
 - 1.5 miles
 - 7.0 mph, 2% grade
 - aveHR 155
 - maxHR 166
 - 13:00
 - 1.5 miles
 - 5.7 mph, 2% grade
 - aveHR 149
 - maxHR 159
 - Total distance 3.0 miles
 - Total time 28:48 minutes

Later in the afternoon.....

Seated Calf Raise
 - various sets of 6 @ 70#
 - the seated calf raise is the one exercise that seems to keep my plantar fascists at bay. 

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