Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday - Jan. 28

 - 30 minutes
 - drag #7
 - 2:06.4 /500m
 - 7121m
 - aveHR 122
 - maxHR 133

1 to 10, 10 to 1
 - pullups x1
 - pushups x2
 - situps x3

Neck exercises x20

8-count Burpee x 10

Max pushup in 2 minutes: 78
Max situp in 2 minutes: 74
Max pullup: 15

Later in the afternoon....

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 16kg
 - 20 rpm
 - happy that this didn't feel like work.  That will change as I progress into the 20kg bell this spring.

A forgot to mention earlier that this week starts the 12-week to BUD/S Stew Smith program anew.  I did not follow his running template the first go around but will be following it this 12-weeks.  I thought about adding a weight vest to the bodyweight exercises, but thought better as the running will be my 'extra' this time around and I did have a few weeks of elbow tenderness that I don't wish to return.  I will continue to use the Erg (and indoor cycling) in place of his swimming.  Logistically getting to the pool once a week is where I am at, and I'm not entering BUD/S.  I only need to survive a 1.2 mile open water swim which I feel I could accomplish right now.

All kettlebell and barbell sets are also of my own addition.

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