Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday - Jan. 4

CycleOps Bike trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - 21.03 miles
 - ave cadence 81
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 151
 - ave Watts 149
 New Powercal heartrate strap that sync's with my bike computer.

Max Pushup in 2 minutes: 79
Max Situp in 2 minutes: 73
Max pullups: 19

 -drag #5
 - 10 minutes
 - 1:49.7 ave500m
 - 2734m
That worked me at the end today.  Was very pleased to keep it sub-1:50.

Numbers looking strong across the board to start the year.  Improvements will be smaller at this point, but will definitely continue.  Happy to be through the holiday craziness of eating, sitting, eating and being less active.

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