Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday - Jan. 8

15 Super Sets
 - 500m Erg (drag #5) - 1:44.6, 1:47.2, 1:48.6, 1:47.9, 1:47.3, 1:47.8, 1:47.8, 1:47.8, 1:46.8, 1:46.9, 1:45.6, 1:45.2, 1:44.2, 1:43.5, 1:41.4
 - Pushups x 15
 - Ab Wheel x 15
Total time: 1 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds

Wow, that was some training.  Definitely a favorite SuperSet series.

Max Pushup in 2 minutes: 80
Max Situp in 2 minutes: 58
Max pullups: 15

Later in the afternoon.....

KB Snatch
 - 10 minutes, switch arms every minute
 - 24kg
 - 20 rpm

Arm Haulers
 - 2 x 75

Ready for two days of rest.

1 comment:

  1. I'm out of breath reading that! That's some unreal work capacity :).
