Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday - Nov. 17

10 sets of each
 - Pullups x 8
 - Pushups x 20
 - various Abs x 20
 - Dips x 10

Ab super set x 2
 - Hanging Leg Raise x 10
 - Situp x 30
 - Oblique crunch x 30 (r/l)
 - V-up x 30
 - Crunch x 30
 - Reverse crunch x 30

Neck exercises
 - 40 all directions

1-arm Isometric Holds
 - Rock Rings
 - 3 minutes rest between
 - 3x 120 degrees - 3-5sec. (r/l)
 - 3x 90 degrees - 3-5sec. (r/l)
 - couldn't hold the top position at all today

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