Monday, November 23, 2015

Saturday - Nov. 21

 - 800 yds freestyle - 18:24
    - each 50 yds was kept at 1:08-1:10 which made me happy to be so consistent.
150 yards crawl
8 x 25 yards crawl sprints resting :30 between lengths
(effort should be at 60-70% of fastest swim)
100 yards crawl counting strokes per length
(try to use less strokes on each subsequent length)
4 x 25 yards windsprints resting :30 between lengths
(swim each length without taking a breathe, needed one breath on the last 2 lengths)
100 yards breaststroke
150 crawl warmdown

Indoor Bike Trainer
 - 60 minutes
 - 21.83 miles
 - ave cadence 77rpm

Later in the evening....

Bouldering with Adam
 - routes and route setting

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