Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday - Sept. 22

Recumbent Bike
 - 40 minutes
 - level 8/20
 - distance 9.69
 - 121 aveHR
 - 128 maxHR

Road Run
 - 4 miles
 - 45:05
 - 140 aveHR
 - 154 maxHR

Neck exercises
 x 35 all directions

Seated Calf Raise
10x 45, 70, 70, 70#

Testing my mental patience to run so slow but I am happy to stay under 145 (and even into the 120s on downhills) at a trotting pace.  Before this HR would be a walk.  Excited to see if I can get down to 8-9 min/mile pace at this HR.


  1. Are you using the Maffetone 180 HR minus your age or still doing the New Alpinism HR formula and percentages? They are pretty close anyway - just curious?

  2. Using the Maffetone 180 minus age, which gives me 144 as my aerobic threshold. I do fell like it has greatly improved my aerobic health and look to continue through the winter.
