Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday - July 7

10 minutes traversing on the bouldering wall
 - did not leave the wall, last 4-5 minutes was managing the pump.
 - always at least one hand on the wall during rests.

Hercules Headstrap
 - 12kg x 10 - all 4 directions
 - 2 sets

Campus Board
 - Large Rungs x 1 rung at a time, matching each, right lead then left.
 - Medium Rungs x 1 rung at a time, matching each, right lead then left.

Double KB Clean + Push Press
 - 30 sec. Work/Rest x 10 sets
 - 28kg
 - 6 reps per set

Adding in neck work.  Had my neck go out mid pitch of climbing this past weekend.  Neck wasn't strong enough for the rack and backpack with climbing.

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