Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday - June 10

Road Run
 - 3 miles
 - time 24:45
 - 8:19 min/mile

Erg - drag factor #3
 - 20 minutes
 - 5035m
 - 1:59.2 ave/500m

Lots of sweat but felt good.

Later in afternoon......

HangBoard - Beastmaster phone app
 - 7 sec. Work / 3 sec. Rest x 7 hangs
 - 2:30 rest between positions,
 - 6 different positions (jug, sloper, 3 fingers, middle 2, 4 finger medium edge, round sloper)
 - then 6 minutes rest.
 - Repeat 3 times
 - had to use foot assist on some holds (2 fingers, 3 fingers and then last few sets throughout)

Expand the Hands bands

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