Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday - May 20

Road Run
 - 3.8 miles
 - time: 29:38
 - 7:49 min/mile pace

Felt smooth and wasn't trying to push the pace, so was surprised to see sub-8min/mile.  Temperature was 60 degrees and overcast with a slight breeze so I'm sure that played a positive role.

Later in afternoon........

4 Rounds
 - Deadlift 1x 115, 185, 255, 325, 395#
 (using steel 35s only, load/unload plates myself)
 - 12' Rope climb from seated postion x 1

Total Time: 10:39

Campus Board
 - large rungs only
 - ladder 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then 60 seconds rest x 4
 - 4 minutes rest then repeat above
 - 4 sets total
 - basically 4x4 on the campus board

Expand the Hands bands

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