Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday - May 5

Double KB Clean+ Jerk @ 24kg
 - 30 sec. On/Off x 10 sets
 - 7 reps per set

15 Minutes (EDT) - 6 sets of each
 - Renegade Row @ 24kg x 5 (r/l)
 - 18" Box Step-up @ 24kg x 5 (r/l)
 - Toes to Bar (no swinging) x 5

Truck Knee Tucks to outside arms (r/l)
 x 5, 5, 5, 5

Floor ab circuit
 - 6 positions of 30 each

The thing I love about my training lately is that it does not leave me feeling wasted.  Body is feeling and moving well.  Definitely notice how well my heart and lungs have been feeling.

Later in the afternoon......

 - Log Clean + Jerk @ 110#
 - Tire Flip ~275#
 - Toes to bar 
Time: 14:14

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