Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday - April 20

Needing to get back to some sort of weight training.

Double KB Clean+ Jerk @ 24kg
 - 30 sec. On/Off x 10 sets
 - 7 reps per set

Truck Knee Tucks to outside arms (r/l)
 x 5, 5, 5, 5

Later in afternoon......

15 Minutes (EDT) - 7 sets of RR, 6 sets of step-up and toes to bar
 - Renegade Row @ 24kg x 5 (r/l)
 - 18" Box Step-up @ 24kg x 5 (r/l)
 - Toes to Bar (no swinging) x 5

Floor ab circuit
 - 6 positions of 30 each

The more I climb and bike, the more I see the importance of strong/enduring ab muscles in a multitude of directions.  Heavy lifting required a strong structural core, these other activities require an enduring/movement quality core.

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