Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday - Jan. 28


 - 30 minutes
 - 6.0 mph, 2.0% grade
aveHR 147
maxHR 158

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - level 6/20
aveHR 131
maxHR 142

Finally capable of jogging 30 minutes without maxing my heart rate.  Getting my indoor bike trainer set up for weekend use.  May 30 and the Mohican100 will be here fast.

Hangboard Intervals
 - 7 reps @ 7 sec. Hang / 3 sec. Rest
 - 2:30 rest between holds
 - Jug, Round Slope, Large Edge, Medium Edge, Large Edge, Round Slope, Jug

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