Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday - Dec. 17

Erg - 5 minutes
 - drag factor #4
 - 1438m
 - 1:44.3 ave500m

Foam Roll + Dynamic Warm-up

18" Hurdle Jumps with 180 degree twist over each hurdle
 - 6 hurdles
 - 3 x 4

2 x 30, 40, 50, 60kg
5 x 1 @ 70kg

Snatch Pull
3 x 3 @ 90kg

Front Squat
3 x 70, 90kg
5 x 2 @ 110kg

12 minutes (EDT) - 8 sets of each
 - Incline DB Press @ 75# x 5
 - Ring Row x 5
 - Landmine Twist x 5 (r/l)

Seated Calf Raise
 10 x 70, 105, 115#
Decline Situp @ #3
3 x 20
Wrist Roller
 3 x 25#

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