Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday - Nov. 12


Foam Roll and Dynamic Warm-up

Road Run
 - 3 miles
 - 24:53
 aveHR 167
maxHR 179

 - 30 minutes
 - cross training 1, level 6/20
aveHR 135
maxHR 144

Recumbent Bike
 - 30 minutes
 - manual, level 6/20
aveHR 125
maxHR 134

Legs felt very good on the run.  Air temp was 36 degrees with a 17 mph wind, so was motivated to run faster.  Clothing was an under armor long sleeve, cotton t-shirt and gym shorts.  Not a zone1 run, but still feel my cardiovascular fitness is improving, I think this is mostly to my body getting use to the impact of running again.

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