Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday - August 26

Erg - 500m
 - 2:01.4

Dynamic Warm-up

Agility Rings
 - Double leg x 4
 - Single leg x 4 (r/l)

15 minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Squat @ 215# x 5
 - Press @ 110# x 5

5 minutes Rest

15 minutes (EDT) -  10 sets of each
 - Dip + 12kg x 5
 - Chest-to-bar Pullup x 5

5 minutes Rest

12 Minutes (EDT) - 10 sets of each
 - Leg Extension @ 110# x 8
 - Leg Curl @ 80# x 8

Floor Ab circuit
 - 6 positions x 40 reps each

ave HR - 121 bpm
max HR - 156 bpm

1 hr 21 total minutes start of warm-up to finish of abs

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