Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday - June 25

Hangboard Entry Level – 10 minutes
  (add one pullup to each hold)
1st.                15 second hang – Jug
2nd.              1 pullup – Round Sloper
3rd.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
4th.               15 second hang w/ 3 shrugs – Pocket
5th.               20 second hang w/ 2 pullups – Large Edge
6th.               10 second hang – Round Sloper
5 knee raises – Pocket
7th.               4 pullups – Large Edge
8th.               10 second hang – Medium Edge
9th.               3 pullups – Jug
10th.           Hang as long as you can – Round Sloper

 - 20 minutes
 - aerobic training, Level 9

Been working 14 hour days since Brandon is on vacation, so not much energy left to train.

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