Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday - July 31

DB Shrug
20 x 100, 120#

2-arm Swing
10 x 20, 24, 32, 32kg

Agility Ladder w/ hands to sprint

Push Press - axle
8 x 15, 55kg
5 x 65, 75kg
2 x 86, 96kg
4 x 5 @ 102kg on 3:00 cycle

Axle Clean + Push Jerk out
5 x 75kg
3 x 91, 104, 116kg

2.5" DB Row
10 x 100, 120, 120#

Rock Rings  - 10 minutes
1st.                3 pullups – Jug
2nd.              10 second bent-arm hang – 3 Finger Pocket
15 second Dead hang – 2 Finger Pocket - feet assist on ground
3rd.               2 Offset Pull-ups – 4 Finger Pocket & 2 Finger Edge
2 Offset pull-ups the other way
4th.               20 second L-Hang – 4 Finger Edge
10 second Dead Hang – 3 Finger Pocket
5th.               5 Pull-ups – 4 Finger Edge
6th.               20 second Bent Arm Hang – 3 Finger Pocket
10 second Dead Hang – 2 Finger Edge - feet assist on ground
7th.               15 second L-Hang – 4 Finger Edge
15 second Dead Hang – 4 Finger Edge
8th.               10 second Offset Hang – 4 Fingers Edge & 2 Finger Pocket
10 second Offset Hang the other way
9th.               20 second L-Hang – 4 Finger Edge
10th.           5 Pull-ups – 4 Finger Edge
Dead Hang to failure – Rounded Slope on Hangboard - 15 sec. WOW

Wrist Roller Tower @ 50#
 x 2 each direction

Climber Int/Ext thingy
3 x 10 @ 25#

KB Clean and Press
 - 6 minutes @ 16kg, switch arms every minute - 14 rpm


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