Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday - Nov. 5

Going back to 5/3/1 programming for a few months.  Deadlifting only every other week on advice from JL Holdsworth.  I'll be focusing on Oly lifts on the in between weeks.  Bench, Squat and Push Press will remain.

Deadlift - going off a 265kg max
5 x 70, 120kg
1 x 160kg
5 x 172kg (65%)
5 x 199kg (75%)
5 x 225kg (85%)

Sumo DL
8 x 70, 120, 150, 150kg

Frame DL
5 x 400, 500, 540, 540, 540#

GH Raise
8 x bw, bw, bw

Seated Calf Raise
10 x 45, 70, 105, 105, 105#

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