Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday - June 21

TNS Grippers
5 x sport, trainer, #1
3 x #2, #2.5
1 x #3
5 x 1 @ FBBC Hard - rated 174.1#

2 x 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75kg

5 x 135, 225#
3 x 315#
1 x 365#
7 x 3 @ 405#

Rolling Thunder
3 x 10 (r/l) @ 135# - alternating hands each rep

5 x 70, 110, 160, 180kg

Reverse Hyper
10 x 50#
3 x 10 @ 90#


  1. Also, you should add the Feedburner "subscribe via email" widget to your blog :)

  2. that's some some zerchers. especially after those squats.

  3. Just posted the video of my attempts. I'm not use to videoing my gripper closes but need to practice before MM1 attempts.

  4. I've really been liking the zercher lift.

  5. Can I ask another question about the RT workout? 135# is probably like nothing for you, and I realize you did 30 total reps, but I was wondering if this was like a "finisher" for your thumbs (but you didn't work them otherwise) or if you typically train the lift this way (light weight, higher reps). Just curious. Thanks in advance.

  6. I am putting my thickbar and pinch on maintenance mode, light weight and moderate reps. I'll also be throwing in some sledge levering for therapy. Pinch will be 25s passed around the body.

    I honestly think my 179# coc3.5 will be easier. We'll see next week...:)
