Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday - Jan. 2

2 minutes Jump Rope

Double KB Snatch
6 x 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 32, 32kg

Front Squat
5 x 60, 80kg
3 x 98kg (70%)
3 x 112kg (80%)
4 x 126kg (90%)

5 x 135, 225, 315#
3 x 380# (70%)
3 x 435# (80%)
5 x 490# (90%)

climber devise for wrist
internal/external/forward/backward wrist - 3 x 10 @ 25#

Grip is feeling tired so I am going to ease up til friday and then train once a week at higher intensities til the Fit Expo, Jan. 28-29.

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