Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday - July 27

22# hammer x 16
18# sheaf x 15

Log C+P
10 x 110, 120, 130#

Bent Over Row
10 x 60, 80, 100kg

DB Seated Press
10 x 40, 50, 60, 60, 60#

Reverse Grip Row
10 x 60, 80, 100kg

T-Grip Row
10 x 65, 85, 105kg


  1. Hi! Great blog. You have a very strong grip. How do you train your grip? Exercises, how often ect? I have just started to include griptraining in my weight training and would really appreciate your comments.Thanks!

  2. Most of my grip training occurs with my total body training. However, I do try to train one aspect of grip each training day, never to a max effort, I save that for competitions.
