Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday - Feb. 23

Dynamic Warm-up

Double Overhand Axle Deadlift
5 x 65, 115kg
1 x 155kg
5 x 195kg
2 x 205kg

Safety Squat Squats
5 x 160, 250, 290#
3 x 325# (85%)
2 x 365# (95%)

Good Mornings
8 x 135, 185, 225, 245, 245#
Carry and Drag Medley - 35 ft. each
Fat Gripz Trap Farmers @ 402#
300# per hand standard farmers
417# backwards drag

300# farmers - 35 ft. down and back

Inch DB carries
Anvil carries - 146#, 156#
RT holds - 4 x 185#
4" pinch block holds @ 140#

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