Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday - Feb. 3

Dynamic WU
Hurdle Jumps @ 12" x 6 hurdles
- straight / lateral / twist x 5 each

Log Clean
5 x 110, 160, 210#
3 x 240#
missed @ 260#

Safety Squat Bar
5 x 160#
5 x 210
5 x 250 (65%)
5 x 290 (75%)
5 x 327# (85%)

Dynamic Deadlift @ 3.75" deficit
- 8 x 2 @ 255# - 3" axle - alternating grip

15 minutes (EDT)
Trap DL @ 380#
- 7 sets of 5
Good Morning @ 135#
- 7 sets of 5

I am going back to the 5/3/1 template and percentages for my main lifts. I had good success with it before. I'll be keeping the EDT sets as well as I feel they are also key to upping volume for strength and conditioning.

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