Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan. 13 - Thursday

Axle Continental + Jerk
5 x 55kg, 75, 95
2 x 110
1 x 120kg

8 x 40, 45, 50, 55, 55kg

Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
8 x 60, 100, 120, 120kg

2.5" DB Clean + Jerk (r/l)
5 x 70, 90#
2 x 120, 130#
1 x 140, missed 150#

15 minutes (EDT)
DB 80 degree press @ 60#
- 9 sets of 5
KB Row @ 48kg
- 9 sets of 5


  1. Hey Andrew.

    When is your next GS meet?

  2. Haven't seen much mention of KB's recently - are you purposely taking a break from them?

  3. No GS meets on the calender. Been focusing on the major grip competitions I have coming up Jan. 28-29 in LA at the FitExpo and then again at the Arnold Classic.

    Kettlebells are great, but the top-end strength I need to compete against pro strongman in these events is my priority.
