Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dec. 27 - Monday

Log Clean + Jerk
4 x 160#
4 x 180
3 x 210
1 x 230
failed twice at 240#, clean was good on both

Axle Clean + Jerk
5 x 55kg
3 x 95
1 x 105
1 x 115kg

Farmers Walk - 20yds with turn
107# per hand
197# for distance

Dynamic Bench @ 135# + #1 bands
- 10 sets of 3 on 1:00

15 minutes (EDT)
Dips + 32kg
- 8 sets of 5
Rolling Thunder Pullups
- 8 sets of 5

Incline at low setting DB Bench Press
2 x 20 @ 60#

An amateur heavyweight strongman competitor, Joe Costa, stopped by and fell in love with the gym. He was the driving force behind the log, axle and farmers work to start. Felt good to be back after a week of vacation with the family.

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