Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct. 23 - Saturday

8 x 135#
8 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
3 x 5 @ 455
1 x 4 @ 455 - felt a stabbing pain in the top of my right hamstring (the one I've been rehabbing)

I was able to foam roll the area and believe my hamstring / glute muscle just cramped on me. Regardless, not fun and big scare. I'm going to lower my weight down to 405# next week for 5x5.

After stretching and foam rolling I was able to continue training some for the day.

Dynamic Squat @ 210# + #4 bands - safety squat bar, 14" box
- 15 sets of 2 on 1:00

Trap Shrugs
8 x 160#, 360, 470
5 x 540#

More stretching and foam rolling the rest of the weekend.

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