Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sept. 8 - Wednesday

Dynamic Warm-up

Front Squat
5 x 50kg
5 x 70
5 x 90
5 x 5 @ 110kg

Leverage Squat
10 @ 90#
10 @ 90# + #4 bands
10 @ 180# + #4 bands
10 @ 270# + #4 bands
10 @ 360# + #4 bands x 3 sets

Standing Calf Raise
12 @ 135#
12 @ 135# + #4 bands
12 @ 180# + #4 bands x 2 sets

Seated Calf Raise
10 @ 115#
10 @ 170# x 2 sets

Snatch @ 24kg
- 50 / 50

Single Leg DL
- 3 x 10 (r/l) @ 24kg


  1. How'd you like the Leverage squats with the bands?

  2. I liked them a lot. They really allowed me to focus on pushing my hips back and driving forward. I look forward to the coming weeks and what my strength improvements become.
