Friday, September 24, 2010

Sept. 24 - Friday

Dynamic WU

Log Clean + Jerk from hang position
5 x 110#
5 x 143
5 x 160
5 x 182
5 x 182

Ring Muscle-Up
5 singles

8 x bw
5 x 24kg
5 x 32kg
5 x 5 @ 40kg

Rope Climb - 20ft from seated position x 1

5 x 5 @ bw

Bench Press
10 x 135#
10 x 185 - 3 sets

This is the first time since 2000 that I have benched and my shoulders don't hurt. I am finally starting to figure this lift out so I don't hurt myself.

Upright Row
10 x 20kg
3 x 10 @ 30kg

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